December 2018 Income Report – First Report

Well this income report is a bit late but I thought it would be a good idea to get this one up anyway for a few reasons:

  • Get a benchmark of 2018 so I can compare later in later years
  • Start the record of the income reports
  • Start to work out this report’s layout
  • Keep the momentum going on this blog

OK lets get into it.

I’m planning to split this report into two parts – passive or investment income and non-employment or side hustle income. I want to capture my passive income as it increases over time until it gives me complete financial freedom. I also want to track my non-employment and side hustle income to give an idea of where extra income is coming from. Also it gives an idea of when I have enough income to quit a full time job and gain some more freedom!

Passive Income

APN AREIT Fund$53.32
APN Asian AREIT Fund$54.56
Charter Hall PFA Fund$115.65
Whitefield Dividend$438.75
Ratesetter Interest$5.59

I get monthly distributions from some property funds – APN and Charter Hall have been my choices. I chose these funds for their monthly distributions.This gives me a way to get some regular income and smooth out the big half-yearly dividend waves. I’ve held the APN funds for just over a year and I’ve been reasonably happy with their performance, nothing stellar but always consistent. I only recently bought into the Charter Hall PFA fund. But it has a higher return so I shall keep an eye on it over the coming months.

This month I was lucky enough to receive a big dividend from Whitefield. Whitefield is probably my favourite LIC I have invested in, due to its focus on the Industrials sector and industrials index benchmark.

Side Hustle Income

Side HustleAmount
Beem It$30

This month I trialed the Beem It service which provides a way to instantly transfer between Australian bank accounts. I seems to be a competitor to the Osko/PayId platform. Either way they were running some referral promotions and I got a bit of cash. Can’t see myself continuing to use this service however.

A total of $692.28 this month.

Not bad! Helps with the increased Christmas spending in December. Of course, that has been greatly increased by a nice dividend from Whitefield. That will be nice to receive every December!

Receiving dividends and distributions every month is like having a bottomless wallet.

So that’s the first income report, I plan to add some more posts for each of the investments and side hustles from which I have received income. I am open to any suggestions about what information I should show and the layout, so please leave a comment below.

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