The only way is up after this month, I hit another rock bottom in terms of monthly income. However I can already tell the next report is going to be much more positive.
For this month on the blog though I have done quite a bit of work. I worked on finalising the matched betting series I have be writing since May this year. I added the the last two posts to the five-part series, dutching and a final wrap up. I also created a contents page for the series here, which gives an overview of each of the posts and keeps them in one place. I can also easily add to this page if I write any more about matched betting. But for now its completed. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions about the series, I would be glad to hear it.
I also added two new pages to the blog, side hustles and regular income investments. These are going to act as list/contents pages for all the articles I write about these topics so they are all in one place. Hopefully these will be useful to all readers of this blog.
Let’s dig into November’s income:
Passive Income
Investment | Amount |
APN AREIT Fund | $53.32 |
APN Asian AREIT Fund | $54.56 |
Charter Hall PFA Fund | $119.63 |
UBank Interest | $14.44 |
Passive income again coming from the usual suspects with no major changes.
My RateSetter investment is now finished up and will no longer be producing any income.
Side Hustle Income
Side Hustle/Other | Amount |
Again another terrible month for side hustles, however I am pleased to report that there will be some income here next month. December has turned out to be a great month for side hustles so I am looking forward to writing that report.
A total of $241.95 this month!
Another low this month! The new lowest since I starting tracking income on here. I said last month, that I though this was rock bottom for me in terms of regular monthly income. But I managed to prove that statement wrong! Next month is shaping up to be a good one though.
As always hope these updates are informative and helpful; please leave any comments you have below.