Side hustles are a big focus on this blog, finding some ways to make some extra money. Whether they are active methods that allow you get some more cash to invest in building more passive income. Or creating some passive income though other sources. Here are the methods I have tried with links to more in depth posts for each one.
Matched Betting
Matched betting has been a very lucrative side hustle foe me and there are plenty of techniques you can learn and use. While matched betting is far from a long term method you should be able to get at least 12+ months worth of income from it. Here are my posts on the different matched betting techniques you can use make some extra income:
Financial services sign up offers
Banks are always fighting to get new customers and many of them offer sign up bonuses to get you to apply for bank accounts and credit cards. And with digital/neo banks popping up rapidly in Australia, many of them are fighting for new customers and offer some nice sign up bonuses. Here are just some of the offers I’ve taken advantage of:
Hopefully this list is helpful for finding some side hustles you can learn to earn some extra income and build your passive income for financial freedom. Please let me know any questions or comments below.