August Income Report 2019 – A slump

As predicted in the previous month’s update, I hit a major slump in terms of income. With my matched betting income all but dried up and my other side hustles not realising any income yet its been a low month. Update: I was reviewing my transactions and dividend history and found one I had missed for this month. A cheeky dividend for $742.46, which totally changes this month from a slump to a super star. I only missed it because BKI helpfully named the transaction to my bank account as “INTERNET MULTIPLE TRANSFER”. Not so obvious. I also found some dividends I forgot to add to April so I’m going to fix them up quickly as well.

Before we get into the income report break down, Beem It (which I did a post on here) is running another $5 bonus promotion for new users that sign up. You can use the referral code EK4JAA to get access to the $5, which we will receive as well.

Let’s dig into August’s income:

Passive Income

APN AREIT Fund$53.32
APN Asian AREIT Fund$54.56
Charter Hall PFA Fund$119.63
UBank Interest$24.59
BKI Dividend$742.46
RateSetter Interest$1.78

Passive income sources has once again been solid with the Charter Hall fund getting a slight boost in distributions. The missed BKI has been added, and what a whopper it was. Recieving these big dividends is a great reminder that building passive income is definitely what I need to be doing to be able to have more freedom in the future. It is also motivating to work on getting more money into these dividend dropping shares.

RateSetter still have their spring special offer running currently. If you invest $1,000 in the 1 month rolling or 5 year markets they will give you a bonus $50. You need to sign up through this link to access the offer before 31st of October. I will also receive $50 if you meet the criteria for the offer. This offer is a good opportunity to try out RateSetter and see if it right for your investment strategy.

Side Hustle Income

Side Hustle/OtherAmount
Matched Betting$367.39

As mentioned, this income source has all but dried up. I only expect a maximum of $100 per month for a while as I access a few remaining promotions. With traveling an holidaying a lot recently I haven’t had much time to devote to developing my other side hustles. But I have some more time now, so I will be kicking into that and sharing them in some future posts. Thankfully the passive income helps keep everything a lot for now!

A total of $1363.73 this month!

Financial Freedom Australia income per month graph - August 2019.
Financial Freedom Australia income per month graph – August 2019.

One of the lowest months I have experienced and unfortunately breaks the consistent $1,000 per month goal I had. So I will need to continue working hard to get above that line again and stay there for longer! This is all false now, the streak remains! Until next month…

As always hope these updates are informative and helpful; please leave any comments you have below.

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